Awarded contract

Carmarthenshire Flying Start Childcare Services 2021

  • Carmarthenshire County Council

F20: Modification notice

Notice reference: 2021/S 000-016750

Published 16 July 2021, 12:05pm

Section one: Contracting authority/entity

one.1) Name and addresses

Carmarthenshire County Council

County Hall


SA31 1JP



+44 1267234567


United Kingdom

NUTS code

UKL14 - South West Wales

Internet address(es)

Main address

Buyer's address

Section two: Object

two.1) Scope of the procurement

two.1.1) Title

Carmarthenshire Flying Start Childcare Services 2021

two.1.2) Main CPV code

  • 80110000 - Pre-school education services

two.1.3) Type of contract


two.2) Description

two.2.1) Title

Lot 20 - Needs Led Provision - Felinfoel & Dafen

Lot No


two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)

  • 80110000 - Pre-school education services
  • 85312110 - Child daycare services

two.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS codes
  • UKL14 - South West Wales

two.2.4) Description of the procurement at the time of conclusion of the contract:

Providers that can accommodate full day care

two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession

Duration in months


two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Section four. Procedure

four.2) Administrative information

four.2.1) Contract award notice concerning this contract

Notice number: 2021/S 000-016476

Section five. Award of contract/concession

Contract No


Lot No



Lot 20 - Needs Led Provision - Felinfoel & Dafen

five.2) Award of contract/concession

five.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract/concession award decision:

25 May 2021

five.2.2) Information about tenders

The contract/concession has been awarded to a group of economic operators: Yes

five.2.3) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire

Playroom management Services Ltd

57 New Road




United Kingdom

NUTS code
  • UKL14 - South West Wales
The contractor/concessionaire is an SME


five.2.3) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire

Camau Tirion

First Foundations, Heol Goffa




United Kingdom

NUTS code
  • UKL14 - South West Wales
The contractor/concessionaire is an SME


five.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot/concession (at the time of conclusion of the contract;excluding VAT)

Total value of the procurement: £1

Section six. Complementary information

six.3) Additional information

(WA Ref:112431)

six.4) Procedures for review

six.4.1) Review body

High Court

Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand




+44 2079477501


United Kingdom

Section seven: Modifications to the contract/concession

seven.1) Description of the procurement after the modifications

seven.1.1) Main CPV code

  • 80110000 - Pre-school education services

seven.1.3) Place of performance

NUTS code
  • UKL14 - South West Wales

seven.1.4) Description of the procurement:

Contract Award Notice.

Carmarthenshire County Council is re-commissioning the Flying Start childcare service and seeking to procure childcare providers to deliver high quality funded childcare to all eligible 2-3-year-old children, from local authority venues and from providers’ own venues from 1st September 2021

seven.1.5) Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession

Start date

1 September 2021

End date

31 March 2028

In the case of framework agreements, provide justification for any duration exceeding 4 years:

The Services to which this Notice relates fall within the Regulation 74 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (Regulations).

seven.1.6) Information on value of the contract/lot/concession (excluding VAT)

Total value of the contract/lot/concession:


seven.1.7) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire

Camau Tirion

First Foundations, Heol Goffa




United Kingdom

NUTS code
  • UKL14 - South West Wales
The contractor/concessionaire is an SME


seven.1.7) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire

Playroom management Services Ltd

57 New Road




United Kingdom

NUTS code
  • UKL1 - West Wales and the Valleys
The contractor/concessionaire is an SME


seven.2) Information about modifications

seven.2.1) Description of the modifications

Nature and extent of the modifications (with indication of possible earlier changes to the contract):

Playroom Management Services were also awarded to Lot 20 - Needs Led Provision - Felinfoel & Dafen.

seven.2.2) Reasons for modification

Need for modification brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority/entity could not foresee.

Description of the circumstances which rendered the modification necessary and explanation of the unforeseen nature of these circumstances:

Supplier not included in original Contract Award Notice by error.

seven.2.3) Increase in price

Updated total contract value before the modifications (taking into account possible earlier contract modifications, price adaptions and average inflation)

Value excluding VAT: £1

Total contract value after the modifications

Value excluding VAT: £1