Future opportunity

Whistleblowing Hotline Service

  • The City of Edinburgh Council

F01: Prior information notice (prior information only)

Notice reference: 2025/S 000-000441

Published 8 January 2025, 9:49am

Section one: Contracting authority

one.1) Name and addresses

The City of Edinburgh Council

Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street




Aga Wieczorkiewicz




+44 1314693922


United Kingdom

NUTS code

UKM75 - Edinburgh, City of

Internet address(es)

Main address


Buyer's address


one.3) Communication

Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address

Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. Unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices is possible, free of charge, at


one.4) Type of the contracting authority

Regional or local authority

one.5) Main activity

General public services

Section two: Object

two.1) Scope of the procurement

two.1.1) Title

Whistleblowing Hotline Service

Reference number


two.1.2) Main CPV code

  • 79720000 - Investigation services

two.1.3) Type of contract


two.1.4) Short description

The purpose of this notice is to inform the market of the intention of the City of Edinburgh Council (the “Council”) to tender a Contract for a Whistleblowing Hotline Service.

The Council’s aim is to appoint a single whistleblowing solutions Contractor to provide an independent whistleblowing hotline service, oversight of investigations, carry out investigations into major disclosures and provide critical friend services on investigations carried out internally.

It is expected that the new Contract shall operate from May 2025 for a period of three years with the option (at the Council’s discretion) to extend for a further two 12-month periods.

Contractors who may be interested in tendering for this opportunity are encouraged to note interest via Public Contracts Scotland. It is anticipated that publication of the Contract notice will be in January/February 2025.

Please note that the purpose of this PIN is to engage with potential Contractors and all information contained within this PIN may be subject to change.

two.1.5) Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: £170,000

two.1.6) Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: No

two.2) Description

two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)

  • 79720000 - Investigation services
  • 79512000 - Call centre
  • 79411000 - General management consultancy services

two.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS codes
  • UKM75 - Edinburgh, City of
Main site or place of performance


two.2.4) Description of the procurement

The aim of this procurement is to create a contract for the delivery of a whistleblowing hotline and associated services.

two.3) Estimated date of publication of contract notice

1 February 2025

Section four. Procedure

four.1) Description

four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes

Section six. Complementary information

six.3) Additional information

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at https://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=785347.

(SC Ref:785347)