Section one: Contracting authority
one.1) Name and addresses
Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool Road
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UKD63 - Cheshire West and Chester
Internet address(es)
Main address
one.1) Name and addresses
The eligible users of the proposed framework agreement are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge at:
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UK - United Kingdom
Internet address(es)
Main address
one.2) Information about joint procurement
The contract involves joint procurement
The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
one.3) Communication
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at
Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the above-mentioned address
one.4) Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
one.5) Main activity
Section two: Object
two.1) Scope of the procurement
two.1.1) Title
National Framework Agreement for the Provision of Data Validation Services
Reference number
two.1.2) Main CPV code
- 72300000 - Data services
two.1.3) Type of contract
two.1.4) Short description
The Contracting Authority intends to set up a national framework agreement that will enable NHS Organisations to access highly specialised support to enable the testing and validation of patient data, as part of the process of migrating from a legacy PAS to a modern EPR system.
two.1.5) Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: £10,000,000
two.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: No
two.2) Description
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72225000 - System quality assurance assessment and review services
- 72310000 - Data-processing services
- 72311000 - Computer tabulation services
- 72311100 - Data conversion services
- 72312100 - Data preparation services
- 72316000 - Data analysis services
- 72320000 - Database services
- 72321000 - Added-value database services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72330000 - Content or data standardization and classification services
- 72920000 - Computer catalogue conversion services
- 79000000 - Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
- 79996100 - Records management
- 80511000 - Staff training services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UK - United Kingdom
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
A number of NHS organisations are currently migrating, or are expected to migrate from a legacy Patient Administration System (PAS) to modern Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems.
Many legacy PAS are not Referral to Treatment (RTT) compliant and, therefore, RTT Pathways and associated Events for migration have to be manually manufactured from existing referrals and outcomes.
There may also be significant data quality issues with legacy data that will impact on the management and integrity of that data prior to implementation of a new EPR system.
NHS organisations may lack in-house expertise and/or capacity to undertake the necessary data cleansing exercises and may require expert assistance in undertaking a data validation exercise prior to the Client’s planned migration of its legacy PAS to a modern EPR system.
The objective of this framework is to provide NHS Organisations (“the Clients”) with expert assistance in undertaking data validation exercises prior to and following a Client’s planned migration of its PAS to a modern EPR system. This includes the validation of incomplete pathways, incomplete waiting lists and duplicated pathways as well as understanding the data quality issues that could facilitate the RTT migration to the EPR system and the Client’s Covid-19 restoration and recovery work. This will enable the NHS Organisations to:
• provide assurance to the Board, CCGs and patients of the accuracy of the patient data held, and particularly how this is managed in relation to supporting RTT and other associated patient access standards,
• improve the quality of patient data held within the EPR and support the optimal use of the EPR from implementation.
The Supplier will ensure that effective knowledge transfer takes place and will help the Client to develop an in-house central validation and booking team to achieve business as usual booking and reporting post the EPR implementation.
two.2.5) Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
two.2.6) Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: £10,000,000
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
The framework agreement may be extended for up to a further 24 months.
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: Yes
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: Yes
Description of options
The framework agreement may be extended for up to a further 24 months at the sole discretion of the Contracting Authority.
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
Section three. Legal, economic, financial and technical information
three.1) Conditions for participation
three.1.2) Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
three.1.3) Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Section four. Procedure
four.1) Description
four.1.1) Type of procedure
Open procedure
four.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Framework agreement with several operators
four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes
four.2) Administrative information
four.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
21 February 2025
Local time
four.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted
four.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 3 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
four.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders
24 February 2025
Local time
Section six. Complementary information
six.1) Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: No
six.2) Information about electronic workflows
Electronic ordering will be used
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
six.3) Additional information
Supplier instructions how to express interest and bid:
1) Browse to the esourcing portal and click on view current opportunities;
2) Register your organisation on the eSourcing portal (this is only required once);
3) Accept the portal terms and conditions and click 'continue', enter your organisation and user details; note the username you chose and click 'Save' when complete; you will shortly receive an e-mail with your unique password (please keep this secure);
4) Login to the portal with the username/password;
5) Click the 'PQQs/ITTs Open To All Suppliers' link. (These are pre-qualification
questionnaires or invitations to tender open to any registered supplier);
6) Select the title of the ITT;
7) Click the 'Express Interest' button at the top of the page. This will move the PQQ/ITT into your 'My PQQs/My ITTs' page. (This is a secure area reserved for your projects only). You can now access any attachments by clicking 'Buyer Attachments' in the 'PQQ/ITT Details' box;
8) Review the ITT documents;
9) Responding to the ITT. Click 'My Response' under 'PQQ/ITT Details', you can choose to 'Create Response' or to 'Decline to Respond' (please give a reason if declining). You can now use the messages function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification. Note the deadline for completion, then follow the on-screen instructions to complete the ITT.
There may be a mixture of online and offline actions for you to perform (there is detailed online help available). You must then submit your reply using the 'Submit Response' button at the top of the page. If you require any further assistance please consult the online help, or contact the eTendering help desk.
six.4) Procedures for review
six.4.1) Review body
Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom