Section one: Contracting authority
one.1) Name and addresses
Ministry of Defence
Scott Raynor
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UK - United Kingdom
Internet address(es)
Main address
one.2) Information about joint procurement
The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
one.3) Communication
Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address
one.4) Type of the contracting authority
Ministry or any other national or federal authority
one.5) Main activity
Section two: Object
two.1) Scope of the procurement
two.1.1) Title
Armed Forces Recruiting Programme
Reference number
two.1.2) Main CPV code
- 79600000 - Recruitment services
two.1.3) Type of contract
two.1.4) Short description
The Armed Forces recruit approximately 20,000 people a year across a broad spectrum of job roles into the three single Services: The Royal Navy (RN), Army and Royal Air Force (RAF). This is currently achieved by the single-Services using different delivery models. The RN and RAF have a number of contracts in support of their recruiting activities, some of which are joint whilst others are unique, with the actual recruiting service provided in-house. The Army’s recruitment is currently carried out under one contract which provides a full end to end recruiting and assessment service. This contract also gives the RN and RAF use of a common digital platform to manage candidates throughout their recruiting journey.
two.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: No
two.2) Description
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 33123200 - Electrocardiography devices
- 33156000 - Psychology testing devices
- 35700000 - Military electronic systems
- 48219300 - Administration software package
- 48422000 - Software package suites
- 48445000 - Customer Relation Management software package
- 48450000 - Time accounting or human resources software package
- 48481000 - Sales or marketing software package
- 48482000 - Business intelligence software package
- 48500000 - Communication and multimedia software package
- 48600000 - Database and operating software package
- 48610000 - Database systems
- 48612000 - Database-management system
- 48613000 - Electronic data management (EDM)
- 48814400 - Clinical information system
- 71317200 - Health and safety services
- 71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
- 71900000 - Laboratory services
- 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- 72212450 - Time accounting or human resources software development services
- 72224000 - Project management consultancy services
- 72310000 - Data-processing services
- 72314000 - Data collection and collation services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 73400000 - Research and Development services on security and defence materials
- 73436000 - Test and evaluation of military electronic systems
- 75000000 - Administration, defence and social security services
- 75122000 - Administrative healthcare services
- 75220000 - Defence services
- 75221000 - Military defence services
- 79340000 - Advertising and marketing services
- 79342000 - Marketing services
- 79413000 - Marketing management consultancy services
- 79414000 - Human resources management consultancy services
- 79416000 - Public relations services
- 79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
- 79600000 - Recruitment services
- 79610000 - Placement services of personnel
- 79620000 - Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
- 79625000 - Supply services of medical personnel
- 79632000 - Personnel-training services
- 79635000 - Assessment centre services for recruitment
- 79824000 - Printing and distribution services
- 85121270 - Psychiatrist or psychologist services
- 85141000 - Services provided by medical personnel
- 85148000 - Medical analysis services
- 98000000 - Other community, social and personal services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UK - United Kingdom
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
The Armed Forces Recruiting Programme (AFRP) is inviting industry to a virtual Market Interest Day on the 19 August 2021 to inform industry of the current requirements and the Commercial construct. Suppliers interested in attending the event should register via AWARD at Suppliers are required to complete and sign the AFRP non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before accessing further AFRP Market Interest information hosted in this AWARD service. The full format of the Market Interest Day will be provided no later than 7 days prior to the event.
In 2020, AFRP began an initial procurement exercise to source a future provider for the Armed Forces Recruiting Programme, however following review it was identified that the process no longer reflected the future needs of Defence. As a result, we have taken the opportunity to further refine our requirements and will recommence with a new revised procurement to best meet future needs. AFRP would now like to invite suppliers involved in recruiting operations, including marketing, digital, and assessment (medical, cognitive/psychometric and physical) to take part in this Market Interest Day.
two.2.14) Additional information
AFRP is the tri-Service (tS) programme responsible for delivering a common tS recruiting model for the Armed Forces. It will seek to place the candidate at the heart of the future recruiting experience and ensure that the Armed Forces achieve the right quality and quantity of candidates to satisfy the demand, remaining agile and responsive to change.
two.3) Estimated date of publication of contract notice
20 September 2021
Section four. Procedure
four.1) Description
four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes
Section six. Complementary information
six.3) Additional information
The authority reserves the right to amend any condition related to security of information to reflect any changes in national law or government policy. If any contract documents are accompanied by instructions on safeguarding classified information (e.g. a Security Aspects Letter), the authority reserves the right to amend the terms of these instructions to reflect any changes in national law or government policy, whether in respect of the applicable protective marking scheme, specific protective markings given, the aspects to which any protective marking applies, or otherwise. The link below to the website provides information on the Government Security Classification.