Section one: Contracting authority
one.1) Name and addresses
University of Strathclyde
Procurement Department. 16 Richmond Street
G1 1XQ
+44 1415484281
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UKM82 - Glasgow City
Internet address(es)
Main address
Buyer's address
one.1) Name and addresses
The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ("NSS")
Gyle Square (NSS Head Office), 1 South Gyle Crescent
EH12 9EB
+44 1312757454
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UKM - Scotland
Internet address(es)
Main address
Buyer's address
one.1) Name and addresses
Scotland Excel
Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street
+44 1414888230
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UKM83 - Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire
Internet address(es)
Main address
Buyer's address
one.2) Information about joint procurement
The contract involves joint procurement
one.3) Communication
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at
Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via
one.4) Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
one.5) Main activity
Section two: Object
two.1) Scope of the procurement
two.1.1) Title
Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Digital Services for Co-Managed Care
Reference number
two.1.2) Main CPV code
- 72222300 - Information technology services
two.1.3) Type of contract
two.1.4) Short description
The Authority is establishing a collaborative Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the Provision of Digital Services for Co-Managed Care. The DPS comprises seven categories (lots) as follows:-
1. Personal Data Store (PDS)
2. Health Data Exchange (HDE)
3. Personal Health and Care Records (PHCR)
4. Long Term Condition Services / Remote Monitoring Services
5. Care in Place / Independent Living
6. Mental Health and Wellbeing
7. Smart Housing / Communities
two.1.5) Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: £15,000,000
two.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: Yes
Tenders may be submitted for all lots
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Health Data Exchange (HDE)
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- 64216110 - Electronic data exchange services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72319000 - Data supply services
- 72320000 - Database services
- 72313000 - Data capture services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance
Scotland - including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Moray
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Suppliers must complete the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland and meet the minimum entry criteria, detailed within this Contract Notice, to be established on the DPS.
Cloud infrastructure that focuses on citizen generation, reuse, and control of personal data only concerning health services. The HDE provides common data sharing 'plumbing' to support the integration of new patient-professional co-management applications, devices, and stores. For example, it may support integration with consumer wearables, medical devices (e.g., ventilator, blood pressure cuff) and self-management applications (e.g., diabetes, weight management). It can provide common identity, consenting and data sharing capabilities so that a citizen can consent to any connected application sharing data with any other connected application. It might already integrate with a range of applications and devices, and / or with clinical records and offer third parties the reuse of these platform level integrations.
Suppliers must provide details about the services you can provide under this category (lot) including 2 relevant examples of services carried out in the last 3 years, as specified for each category (lot) being applied for. Examples from public and/or private sector may be provided. Suppliers should submit their examples using the submission document provided and responses should not exceed 2 x A4 sheets, as set out in the procurement documents. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full. Note: at least two case study examples are required for each category (lot).
A copy of the 4C1.2 Response Template can be found at section 4C.1.2 of the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland within Public Contracts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T). The form should be downloaded, populated with the relevant examples and uploaded.
Suppliers can apply for one or more categories (lots).
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An initial period of 48 months with options to extend for up to 24 months i.e., 2 x 12 months.
two.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 5
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information
Economic operators may be excluded from this DPS if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Personal Health and Care Records (PHCR)
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72319000 - Data supply services
- 72320000 - Database services
- 72313000 - Data capture services
- 64216110 - Electronic data exchange services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance
Scotland - including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Moray
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Suppliers must complete the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland and meet the minimum entry criteria, detailed within this Contract Notice, to be established on the DPS.
Cloud infrastructure that can handle elements common to a PDS or HDE (data storage and sharing between the citizen and health and care services). Personal Health and Care Records (PHCRs) focus more on the user experience/interface supporting literacy, dialogue, decision making, and care planning. Importantly, they usually work across conditions, groups, and services. They can offer a method to unify the guidance, alerting, messaging, and data feeds from other data-sharing infrastructure to create a more coherent, multi-purpose interface for citizens with multiple needs. A PHCR may support discovery of other digital applications or services and may act as a launch point into these additional services. A PHCR can also help citizens share essential information with a broader support network, like family and carers, if they choose to. Overall, their purpose is to enable more holistic care and more active co-management by the citizen. NHS Digital in England defines PHRs here
Suppliers must provide details about the services they you can provide under this category (lot) including 2 relevant examples of services carried out in the last 3 years, as specified for each category (lot) being applied for. Examples from public and/or private sector may be provided. Supplier should submit their examples using the submission document provided and responses should not exceed 2 x A4 sheets, as set out in the procurement documents. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full. Note: at least two case study examples are required for each category (lot).
A copy of the 4C1.2 Response Template can be found at section 4C.1.2 of the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland within Public Contracts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T). The form should be downloaded, populated with the relevant examples and uploaded.
Suppliers can apply for one or more categories (lots).
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An initial period of 48 months with options to extend for up to 24 months i.e., 2 x 12 months.
two.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 5
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information
Economic operators may be excluded from this DPS if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Long Term Condition Services
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- 64216110 - Electronic data exchange services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72319000 - Data supply services
- 72313000 - Data capture services
- 72320000 - Database services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance
Scotland - including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Moray
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Suppliers must complete the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland and meet the minimum entry criteria, detailed within this Contract Notice, to be established on the DPS.
The Challenge
-Existing health and social care pressures exacerbated by Covid-19 with rising waiting times for diagnosis and treatment, unsustainable levels of admission to hospital.
-Long term conditions are increasingly difficult to manage with increased dependence on remote care and third sector to support holistic care, independence and re-ablement.
-Many people now have more than one long term condition, making siloed, condition specific work even less sustainable.
-New ability for citizens to share their experiences, needs, preferences and activity data.
-Asynchronous, remote service delivery that can shift from appointment-based care to ongoing dialogue-based care using data sharing, messaging, and citizen self-assessment.
-There is an opportunity to expand on existing innovations to consider further shifting the balance of care into the community and enhancing the care model through:
- More cooperation with care homes, third sector and other community groups.
- More ability to screen and gather data to support diagnosis and decision making through high street--
based or home testing.
- More ability to structure services around symptoms or needs based pathways rather than solely focus on conditions or specialities.
Suppliers must provide details about the services they you can provide under this category (lot) including 2 relevant examples of services carried out in the last 3 years, as specified for each category (lot) being applied for. Examples from public and/or private sector may be provided. Supplier should submit their examples using the submission document provided and responses should not exceed 2 x A4 sheets, as set out in the procurement documents. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full. Note: at least two case study examples are required for each category (lot).
A copy of the 4C1.2 Response Template can be found at section 4C.1.2 of the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland within Public Contracts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T). The form should be downloaded, populated with the relevant examples and uploaded.
Suppliers can apply for one or more (categories) lots.
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An initial period of 48 months with options to extend for up to 24 months i.e. 2 x 12 months.
two.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 5
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information
Economic operators may be excluded from this DPS if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Care in place / independent living
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- 64216110 - Electronic data exchange services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72319000 - Data supply services
- 72320000 - Database services
- 72313000 - Data capture services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance
Scotland - including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Moray
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Suppliers must complete the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland and meet the minimum entry criteria, detailed within this Contract Notice, to be established on the DPS.
-Existing health and social care pressures exacerbated by Covid-19. A rising need for community based social care services to support personal independence and prevent admissions / support discharge from hospital.
-Multi-agency responses are often needed with largely paper based, and limited, sharing of data across these groups when assessing, coordinating and joint planning to support the individual.
-Joint assessments are resource intensive and often a lack of awareness / access to alternative support mechanisms results in more reactive and costly and methods being required.
-New ability for citizens, their informal circle of care and professionals across agencies to use digital tools to created shared care assessments, timelines, and plans.
-Social prescribing targeting more preventative and holistic care can be enabled by using digital navigation and discovery tools to support both individual and professional decisions.
-Providing tools to support discovery and navigation around the use of personal budgets / self-directed support and meet needs in a more responsive manner.
Suppliers must provide details about the services they you can provide under this category (lot) including 2 relevant examples of services carried out in the last 3 years, as specified for each category (lot) being applied for. Examples from public and/or private sector may be provided. Supplier should submit their examples using the submission document provided and responses should not exceed 2 x A4 sheets, as set out in the procurement documents. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full. Note: at least two case study examples are required for each category (lot).
A copy of the 4C1.2 Response Template can be found at section 4C.1.2 of the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland within Public Contracts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T). The form should be downloaded, populated with the relevant examples and uploaded.
Suppliers can apply for one or more categories (lots).
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An initial period of 48 months with options to extend for up to 24 months i.e. 2 x 12 months.
two.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 5
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information
Economic operators may be excluded from this DPS if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Mental Health and wellbeing
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- 64216110 - Electronic data exchange services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72319000 - Data supply services
- 72320000 - Database services
- 72313000 - Data capture services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance
Scotland - including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Moray
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
-Mental wellbeing is becoming an increasing issue in most developed societies across the world. There are increasing numbers of people isolated or lonely, exacerbated by the pandemic and especially problematic in rural communities.
-Rise in lifestyle related ill health and associated pressure on health and care services.
-Lack of connectedness between digital self-management applications and NHS services.
-New ability for citizens to share their activity, lifestyle, mood, and other wellbeing data.
-New digital therapies (e.g. online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) are increasingly available.
-Digital technologies offer the opportunity for increasing access to digital services. Accessing this kind of wellbeing support can be normalised, discrete and not carry with it the same kind of stigma as has been the case before.
-New ability for citizens and their informal circle of care to connect using digital tools to support communication, peer support and entertainment.
-The use of digital navigation and discovery tools to support both individual people to find support and opportunities to connect with other people.
Suppliers must provide details about the services you can provide under this category (lot) including 2 relevant examples of services carried out in the last 3 years, as specified for each category (lot) being applied for. Examples from public and/or private sector may be provided. Suppliers should submit their examples using the submission document provided and responses should not exceed 2 x A4 sheets, as set out in the procurement documents. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full. Note: at least two case study examples are required for each category (lot).
A copy of the 4C1.2 Response Template can be found at section 4C.1.2 of the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland within Public Contracts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T). The form should be downloaded, populated with the relevant examples and uploaded.
Suppliers can apply for one or more lots.
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An initial period of 48 months with options to extend for up to 24 months i.e. 2 x 12 months.
two.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 5
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information
Economic operators may be excluded from this DPS if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Smart Housing / Communities
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- 64216110 - Electronic data exchange services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72319000 - Data supply services
- 72320000 - Database services
- 72313000 - Data capture services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance
Scotland - including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Moray
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Suppliers must complete the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland and meet the minimum entry criteria, detailed within this Contract Notice, to be established on the DPS.
-There are growing pressures on health and care services because of the ageing population.
-Many of the needs are not acute or do not start this way, with many older adults needing support to stay independent in their own homes.
-In parallel there are increasing numbers of people isolated or lonely, exacerbated by the pandemic and especially problematic in rural communities.
-New networking and connectivity capabilities – allowing for homes and communities to be better connected for lower effort and cost.
-New ability to equip homes with digital technologies – either on the consumer side – e.g. voice assistants and smart heating or on the independent assisted living market – e.g. tracking activities of daily living and identifying trends. In both cases this can help to identify problems early to allow proactive steps to be taken to retain independence.
-New ability for citizens and their informal circle of care to connect using digital tools to support communication, peer support and entertainment.
-The use of digital navigation and discovery tools to support both individual people to find support and opportunities to connect with other people.
Suppliers must provide details about the services you can provide under this category (lot) including 2 relevant examples of services carried out in the last 3 years, as specified for each category (lot) being applied for. Examples from public and/or private sector may be provided. Suppliers should submit their examples using the submission document provided and responses should not exceed 2 x A4 sheets, as set out in the procurement documents. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full. Note: at least two case study examples are required for each category (lot).
A copy of the 4C1.2 Response Template can be found at section 4C.1.2 of the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland within Public Contracts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T). The form should be downloaded, populated with the relevant examples and uploaded.
Suppliers can apply for one or more lots.
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An initial period of 48 months with options to extend for up to 24 months i.e. 2 x 12 months.
two.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 5
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information
Economic operators may be excluded from this DPS if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Personal Data Store (PDS)
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72222300 - Information technology services
- 64216110 - Electronic data exchange services
- 72322000 - Data management services
- 72319000 - Data supply services
- 72320000 - Database services
- 72313000 - Data capture services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKM - Scotland
Main site or place of performance
Scotland - including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Moray
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Suppliers must complete the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland and meet the minimum entry criteria, detailed within this Contract Notice, to be established on the DPS.
Cloud infrastructure that supports citizen-controlled storage and exchange of personal data and identity assets safely, securely, and straightforwardly. A Personal Data Store (PDS) allows users to have complete control over and reuse their data as they move between services and sectors. Other platforms or applications can access a PDS through a suite of publicly available (but governed) APIs. The PDS provides a 'single source of personal truth' to empower the user and reduce the effort and cost for individuals and their services. The PDS does not store all data but is used to harmonise access to and reuse of data so that it feels to users like a single record. The PDS does not replace medical records held in Clinical Data Repositories or equivalent systems elsewhere, but the PDS could integrate with these systems to empower the citizen further. This method is the Scottish Government Digital Identity Programme's favoured approach for identity asset management across the Scottish Public Sector.
Suppliers must provide details about the services you can provide under this category (lot) including 2 relevant examples of services carried out in the last 3 years, as specified for each category (lot) being applied for. Examples from public and/or private sector may be provided. Suppliers should submit their examples using the submission document provided and responses should not exceed 2 x A4 sheets, as set out in the procurement documents. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full. Note: at least two case study examples are required for each category (lot).
A copy of the 4C1.2 Response Template can be found at section 4C.1.2 of the Single Procurement Document (SPD) Scotland within Public Contracts Scotland – Tender (PCS-T). The form should be downloaded, populated with the relevant examples and uploaded.
Suppliers can apply for one or more categories (lots).
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Technical / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An initial period of 48 months with options to extend for up to 24 months i.e., 2 x 12 months.
two.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 5
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information
Economic operators may be excluded from this DPS if they are in any of the situations referred to in Regulation 58 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.
Section three. Legal, economic, financial and technical information
three.1) Conditions for participation
three.1.2) Economic and financial standing
List and brief description of selection criteria
4B.1.2 Bidders (candidates) must confirm they have the required minimum yearly “average” turnover of at least 250,000 GBP for the past two years.
4B.5.1 Bidders must confirm they already have or can commit to obtain, prior to the commencement of the contract, the levels of insurance cover indicated below:
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required
4B.1.2 Bidders (candidates) must confirm their “average” yearly turnover for the past two years. Where required, the Authority may request evidence from Candidates that details their annual turnover for the period stated. Candidates who commenced trading within the last two years and therefore unable to provide information for the timeframe stipulated must detail the date they started trading within their submission.
4B.5.1 Professional Risk Indemnity: minimum 2,000,000 GBP each and every claim
Employer's (Compulsory) Liability: minimum 5,000,000 GBP each and every claim
Public and Products Liability:minimum 10,000,000 GBP each and every claim (but in the aggregate for products)
three.1.3) Technical and professional ability
List and brief description of selection criteria
Please provide 2 relevant examples from the last 3 years for each category being applied for.
Bidders (Candidates) will be required to provide 2 examples of services carried out during the last three years as specified for each category being applied for. The examples must demonstrate that they have the relevant experience to deliver the services as described in part II.2.4 of the Contract Notice and in line with the Statement of Requirements contained in Section 2 of this ITP.
Examples should include but not limited to:
Platform and Service Categories:
- Personal Data Store (PDS)
- Health Data Exchange (HDE)
- Personal Health and Care Records (PHCR)
Candidates please note, that for categories 1, 2 and 3, as set out above, their examples must demonstrate:
- Provision of cross-cutting capabilities which supported other products, services, and suppliers.
- Provision of platform capabilities that ensured and supported co-management of data with citizens having an active role in the creation and reuse of their personal data.
- Provision of support for heavy integration and data sharing activity across an ecosystem of products, platforms, and suppliers.
- That as a core part of their business model, they have supported developers from other suppliers (e.g., those in DPS categories four to seven) to utilise their platform to accelerate delivery, integrate services and provide a more seamless user experience.
- Open, clear documentation and sandbox environments, which allowed other suppliers to self-serve in the use of platform tools for development purposes.
Product and Service Categories:
- Long Term Condition Services
- Care in place / independent living
- Mental Health and wellbeing
- Smart Housing / Communities
Candidates please note, that for categories 4, 5, 6 and 7, as set out above, their examples must demonstrate:
- Provision of user interfaces and tools in the areas described in each of the categories 4, 5, 6 and 7. In all cases these must have supported citizens and their carers and care professionals in communication, navigation, discovery, planning, decision making, data sharing, and managing transitions between life stages and tiers of care and support.
- Use of common platform capabilities provided by other platform suppliers (including infrastructure such as from DPS categories 1, 2 and 3 i.e.:
- Personal Data Store (PDS)
- Health Data Exchange (HDE)
- Personal Health and Care Records (PHCR)
This might include:
- Using or federating with a common identity method to make it easier for users to access a range of services with --one set of login credentials.
- Sharing data through standards-based APIs to ensure the product contributes data into other professional systems.
- Storing data in citizen held data stores to allow them to port and reuse data across many services and products.
(Examples from both the public and / or private sector customers and clients may be provided).
Please download and complete the attachment.
Responses should not exceed 2 X A4 sides of paper for each example and should be submitted in Ariel font 11. Where a submission exceeds the maximum number of sides of A4 paper requested, no account will be taken of the content of the wording beyond the maximum. Do not include hyperlinks or embed files to this response and ensure acronyms are explained in full.
Note: at least two case examples are required for each category being applied for.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required
Each example will be assessed against the scoring methodology noted at section 3.4.2 of the Invitation to Participate (ITP) document. Each individual example must be considered, as a minimum, an acceptable example in order for the Candidate to be admitted to the DPS therefore only those examples scoring a 2 or above shall be considered to have passed this element. Should any example score below a 2 the response will be considered a fail against this element and the Candidate shall not be admitted to the DPS. For the avoidance of doubt Candidate should note that they are required to score a minimum of 2 for each example in order to admitted.
Section four. Procedure
four.1) Description
four.1.1) Type of procedure
Restricted procedure
four.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the setting up of a dynamic purchasing system
four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes
four.2) Administrative information
four.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure
Notice number: 2022/S 000-034732
four.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
26 April 2027
Local time
four.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
26 April 2027
four.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted
four.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 4 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
Section six. Complementary information
six.1) Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: Yes
Estimated timing for further notices to be published: It is estimated that Invitations To Tender will be issued from 02 May 2023 to all Participants (suppliers) admitted to the relevant DPS category (lot).
six.2) Information about electronic workflows
Electronic ordering will be used
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
six.3) Additional information
For the avoidance of doubt for the purpose of this DPS the term 'Lot(s)' and 'Category(s)' will be interchangeable and 'Bidder(s) and 'Candidates' will be interchangeable.
Please note within PCS-T there are mandatory questions relating and Cyber Security and acceptance of the DPS
Terms and Conditions - Agreement for the Supply of Goods and Services and questions relating to Prompt Payment in the Supply Chain and payment of Real Living Wage.
No form of volume guarantee has been granted by the Authority. The Authority shall not be bound to order any of the services referred to within each lot description. The DPS will be open to entrants throughout its life who meet the minimum criteria.
Suppliers should note that buying organisations may incorporate a preferred bidder stage in their invitation to tender process to allow them to carry out appropriate due diligence on the preferred supplier.
The Authority will have the right to request evidence that entry criteria is still valid at any point during the life of the Dynamic Purchasing System with evidence to be provided via an updated SPD to the Authority within 5 working days of request being issued.
The DPS will be available for use by NHS National Services Scotland, Scottish health boards and special health boards, Scotland Excel and Scotland Excel's local authority members and associate members as listed:
Community Benefits requirements will be determined at each individual call-off contract. A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided in the procurement documents. Suppliers shall note that other DPS users may specific their own community benefit requirements.
The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this PQQ exercise. The Project code is 22690. For more information see:
A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see:
Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see:
A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows:
A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows:
Community Benefits requirements will be determined at each individual call-off contract.
(SC Ref:728569)
six.4) Procedures for review
six.4.1) Review body
Glasgow Sheriff Court
1 Carlton Place
G5 9DA
+44 1414298888
United Kingdom
Internet address
six.4.3) Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures
An economic operator that suffers, or risks suffering, loss or damage attributable to a breach of duty under the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI2015/446) (as amended) may bring proceedings to the Sheriff Court or the Court of Session.