Section one: Contracting authority
one.1) Name and addresses
The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service
9th Floor, The Capital, Old Hall Street
L3 9PP
+44 3150103503
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UK - United Kingdom
Internet address(es)
Main address
one.2) Information about joint procurement
The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body
one.4) Type of the contracting authority
Ministry or any other national or federal authority
one.5) Main activity
General public services
Section two: Object
two.1) Scope of the procurement
two.1.1) Title
Digital Specialists and Programmes (DSP)
Reference number
two.1.2) Main CPV code
- 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
two.1.3) Type of contract
two.1.4) Short description
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority has put in place a Pan Government Collaborative Agreement for the provision of Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) specialists and facilitate large-scale digital transformation programmes to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including Local Authorities, Health, Police, Fire and Rescue, Education and Devolved Administrations.
The lotting structure of this framework is as follows:
Lot 1 - Digital Programmes
Lot 2 - Digital Specialists
Further information is included in the Additional Information section VI.3.
two.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: Yes
two.1.7) Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT)
Value excluding VAT: £4,000,000,000
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Digital Programmes
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- 72230000 - Custom software development services
- 72231000 - Development of software for military applications
- 72232000 - Development of transaction processing and custom software
- 72240000 - Systems analysis and programming services
- 72241000 - Critical design target specification services
- 72242000 - Design-modelling services
- 72243000 - Programming services
- 72244000 - Prototyping services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UK - United Kingdom
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Digital Programmes will provide Supplier Staff to deliver strategic objectives through group(s) of projects that involve research, test, design, build, release, iteration, support and/or retirement of digital services, outcomes and deliverables. Buyers will define their specific requirements covered by the programme in their Statement of Requirements.
The Supplier must work according to:
● the Technology Code of Practice,
● and understand what it means to work on one of the Discovery, Beta, Live or Retirement phases described in the Service Manual. and support Buyers:
● to comply with the above through successful Service Standard assessments:
● to develop Services based on Open Standards Principles and accessible data protocols, to ensure they are interoperable:
● to comply with any adopted open standards that are compulsory in government: Suppliers under this Lot are required to have the capability and capacity to provide the following Service Provisions that will comprise the group(s) of related projects to achieve the strategic objectives of a programme:
● DevOps Services support for ongoing live services;
● Digital Definition Services. Either separately or combined Discovery and /or Alpha phases;
● Build and Transition Services either separately, combining Beta phase and/or Retirement phases (including transition to Live). It is anticipated that Live will be covered by an appropriate competition for DevOps Services;
● End-to-End Development Services with the ability to combine the full set of agile phases of Discovery through to Live; and
● Data Management (and similar) Services primarily targeted at building, enhancing and maintaining data assets, migrating data from one system to another and analysis and reporting from such data assets.
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Quality / Weighting: 70
Price - Weighting: 30
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2) Description
two.2.1) Title
Digital Specialists
Lot No
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- 72230000 - Custom software development services
- 72231000 - Development of software for military applications
- 72232000 - Development of transaction processing and custom software
- 72240000 - Systems analysis and programming services
- 72241000 - Critical design target specification services
- 72242000 - Design-modelling services
- 72243000 - Programming services
- 72244000 - Prototyping services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UK - United Kingdom
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
Digital Specialists Suppliers will provide Buyers with individual Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) specialist(s) at identified role (or roles) to deliver a specific outcome (or specific outcomes) on a service, programme and/or project. Buyers will define their specific requirements in their Statement of Requirements.
Digital specialists suppliers must:
● only provide specialists from their own existing team or through identified key subcontractors,
● offer evidence of competence in each role if requested by the buyer,
● ensure all roles support the government service design manual’s description ( of what you need to build a successful service. Digital specialists suppliers must provide all the Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) roles to be defined in the Framework Specification Any supplier wishing to provide services through an Agency model should be aware that other CCS agreements are available to offer services as an Agency.
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Quality / Weighting: 60
Price - Weighting: 40
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
Section four. Procedure
four.1) Description
four.1.1) Type of procedure
Open procedure
four.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes
four.2) Administrative information
four.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure
Notice number: 2021/S 000-026471
Section five. Award of contract
Contract No
Lot No
Digital Programmes
A contract/lot is awarded: Yes
five.2) Award of contract
five.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract
8 March 2022
five.2.2) Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 128
Number of tenders received from SMEs: 75
Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 2
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 128
The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No
five.2.3) Name and address of the contractor
See Contracts Finder Notice for full supplier list
9th Floor, The Capital, Old Hall Street
L3 9PP
United Kingdom
NUTS code
- UK - United Kingdom
The contractor is an SME
five.2.4) Information on value of contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Total value of the contract/lot: £3,000,000,000
Section six. Complementary information
six.3) Additional information
The value provided in Section II.1.7 is only an estimate. We cannot guarantee to suppliers any business through this Commercial Agreement.
As part of this contract award notice the following can be accessed at:
Redacted Commercial Agreement;
Contract notice transparency information for the agreement
List of Successful Suppliers;
Customer list
On 2.4.2014 Government introduced its Government Security Classifications (GSC) scheme which replaced Government Protective Marking Scheme (GPMS). A key aspect is the reduction in the number of security classifications used. All bidders were required to make themselves aware of the changes as it may impact this requirement. This link provides information on the GSC at:
Cyber Essentials is a mandatory requirement for Central Government contracts which involve handling personal information or provide certain ICT products/services. Government is taking steps to reduce the levels of cyber security risk in its supply chain through the Cyber Essentials scheme. The scheme defines a set of controls which, when implemented, will provide organisations with basic protection from the most prevalent forms of threat coming from the internet. To participate in this procurement, bidders were required to demonstrate they comply with the technical requirements prescribed by Cyber Essentials, for services under and in connection with this procurement.
Some purchases under this framework Agreement may have requirements that can be met under this Framework Agreement but the purchase of which may be exempt from the Procurement Regulations (as defined in Attachment 1 – About the framework within the invitation to tender documentation). In such cases, Call-offs from this Framework will be unregulated purchases for the purposes of the Procurement Regulations, and the buyers may, at their discretion, modify the terms of the Framework and any Call-off Contracts to reflect that buyer’s specific needs.
CCS reserve the right to award a framework to any bidder whose final score is within 1% of the last position.
For Lot 1 51 suppliers were awarded a place as opposed to the number of 50 as was originally stated in the Contract Notice that was published on 27/10/20.
For Lot 2 51 suppliers were awarded a place as opposed to the number of 50 as was originally stated in the Contract Notice that was published on 27/10/20.
The start date of this Framework Agreement is 21/03/2022. The expiry date of the Framework Agreement is 20/03/2024. The initial duration of the Framework is 2 years, with an option to extend for 12 months plus additional 12 months.
six.4) Procedures for review
six.4.1) Review body
The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service
9th Floor, The Capital, Old Hall Street
L3 9PP
+44 3450103503
United Kingdom
six.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures
The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service
9th Floor, The Capital, Old Hall Street
L3 9PP
+44 3450103503
United Kingdom
six.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained
The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service
9th Floor, The Capital, Old Hall Street
L3 9PP
United Kingdom