Awarded contract

In-Market Representation Contract


F20: Modification notice

Notice reference: 2023/S 000-009293

Published 30 March 2023, 12:29pm

Section one: Contracting authority/entity

one.1) Name and addresses


11th Floor,Colmore Building, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway




Charlene Joseph



+44 7483079297


United Kingdom

NUTS code

UKG31 - Birmingham

Companies House


Internet address(es)

Main address

Section two: Object

two.1) Scope of the procurement

two.1.1) Title

In-Market Representation Contract

Reference number


two.1.2) Main CPV code

  • 79342000 - Marketing services

two.1.3) Type of contract


two.2) Description

two.2.1) Title

In-Market Representation Australia

Lot No


two.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS codes
  • AU - Australia

two.2.4) Description of the procurement at the time of conclusion of the contract:

LOT 1 Australia

• Build a pipeline of minimum 60 prospects and 30 projects (active inward investment opportunities)

• Support 10 inward investment visits to the West Midlands region

• Create 5 completed projects (successes) with 75 jobs

two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession

Start date

31 March 2023

End date

30 June 2023

Section four. Procedure

four.2) Administrative information

four.2.1) Contract award notice concerning this contract

Notice number: 2022/S 000-007458

Section five. Award of contract/concession

Contract No


Lot No



In-Market Representation Uplift

five.2) Award of contract/concession

five.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract/concession award decision:

9 August 2021

five.2.2) Information about tenders

The contract/concession has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No

five.2.3) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire

Foley and Associates Pty Ltd

Suite 48, Level 9, 88 Pitt Street

Sydney, NSW 2000



NUTS code
  • AU - Australia
Justification for not providing organisation identifier

Not on any register

The contractor/concessionaire is an SME


five.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot/concession (at the time of conclusion of the contract;excluding VAT)

Total value of the procurement: £92,250

Section six. Complementary information

six.4) Procedures for review

six.4.1) Review body

Commercial Working Group



United Kingdom

Section seven: Modifications to the contract/concession

seven.1) Description of the procurement after the modifications

seven.1.1) Main CPV code

  • 79342000 - Marketing services

seven.1.3) Place of performance

NUTS code
  • AU - Australia

seven.1.4) Description of the procurement:

• Take on the role of West Midlands Growth Company's strategic business development and front end sales partner in inward investment lead generation, presenting itself to key stakeholders and prospective investors as a direct extension of the Growth Company's business development team

• Cultivate and manage relationships with key stakeholders on behalf of the West Midlands Growth Company (to include notably Department for International Trade posts, national and state

trade and investment bodies in host countries, Relevant sector bodies and trade associations and senior operational personnel from relevant partner city authorities).

• Provide regular cultural & market insights and actionable intelligence to steer West Midlands Growth Company strategy and delivery plans.

• Where required, support with the delivery of a number of in-market promotional events, including event organisation, audience generation and audience follow-up.

seven.1.5) Duration of the contract, framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system or concession

Start date

31 March 2023

End date

30 June 2023

seven.1.6) Information on value of the contract/lot/concession (excluding VAT)

Total value of the contract/lot/concession:


seven.1.7) Name and address of the contractor/concessionaire

Foley & Associates Pty Ltd

Suite 48, Level 9, 88 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia



NUTS code
  • AU - Australia
Justification for not providing organisation identifier

Not on any register

The contractor/concessionaire is an SME


seven.2) Information about modifications

seven.2.1) Description of the modifications

Nature and extent of the modifications (with indication of possible earlier changes to the contract):

The extended timeframe for the provision of in market representation will be used to allow Foley to continue to provide the WMGC with representation in market and to continue to build on the current pipeline of qualified Inward Investment potential. They have spent significant resource on developing the leads, so it would be ideal to allow time for them to convert these leads.

This contract is being extended to provide continuity of service between the current end of this contract and the completion of the tendering process for future in market representation within this market.

• Expiry of the contract will be amended to the 30th of June 2023

• A minimum of 15 additional investment leads are to be generated over the 3 months.

• No further Performance Related Pay (PRP) will be applicable during this extended period

• Continued in market representation

• Continued building of qualified Inward Investment potential

seven.2.2) Reasons for modification

Need for additional works, services or supplies by the original contractor/concessionaire.

Description of the economic or technical reasons and the inconvenience or duplication of cost preventing a change of contractor:

To ensure continuity of service we require our current incumbent to continue service until the 30th June which will be completion of a new tendered In Market Representation contract.

Regulation 72. (b) for additional works, services or supplies by the original contractor that have become necessary and were not included in the initial procurement, where a change of contractor

(ii)would cause significant inconvenience or substantial duplication of costs for the contracting authority,

seven.2.3) Increase in price

Updated total contract value before the modifications (taking into account possible earlier contract modifications, price adaptions and average inflation)

Value excluding VAT: £122,138.88

Total contract value after the modifications

Value excluding VAT: £133,347.21