Section one: Contracting authority
one.1) Name and addresses
UK Research & Innovation
UK Research & Innovation, Polaris House
+44 1793867000
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UK - United Kingdom
Internet address(es)
Main address
Buyer's address
one.3) Communication
Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information can be obtained at
Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the above-mentioned address
Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. Unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices is possible, free of charge, at
one.4) Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
one.5) Main activity
Other activity
Section two: Object
two.1) Scope of the procurement
two.1.1) Title
UKRI - 3747 Evaluation of the UKRI Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science (RICHeS) project
two.1.2) Main CPV code
- 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
two.1.3) Type of contract
two.1.4) Short description
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is seeking an supplier to undertake an impact and process evaluation of the Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science (RICHeS) programme. The objective of this tender is to conduct a comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of the RICHeS programme impact on the conservation and heritage science community.
The evaluation will consist of three main components an: Evaluation Framework, Process Evaluation and Impact Evaluation which includes a Baseline Report).
The Evaluation Framework aims to establish a roadmap for effectively executing the RICHeS evaluation. It will outline the methodology, key milestones and communication strategies. This framework will accommodate the scale and duration of the RICHeS programme, providing opportunities for ongoing learning, review and reflection.
two.1.5) Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: £1,000,000
two.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: No
two.2) Description
two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
- 73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UK - United Kingdom
Main site or place of performance
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
RICHeS is an ambitious AHRC infrastructure investment which will enable national conservation and heritage science capability and capacity for the UK. The investment is complex and long-term. It includes governance, delivery and communication functions, as well as a two tranches of funding opportunities and an ongoing access fund. The objective of this tender is to conduct a comprehensive and rigorous evaluation of the RICHeS programme impact on the conservation and heritage science community.
The evaluation will consist of three main components an: Evaluation Framework, Process Evaluation and Impact Evaluation which includes a Baseline Report).
The Evaluation Framework aims to establish a roadmap for effectively executing the RICHeS evaluation. It will outline the methodology, key milestones and communication strategies. This framework will accommodate the scale and duration of the RICHeS programme,providing opportunities for ongoing learning, review and reflection.
The Baseline and Impact Evaluation will access the pogramme’s outputs, outcomes and impacts. It will explore the economic rationale for investment and document broader economic, social and sectoral impacts, including impacts on innovation.
The Impact Evaluation will be used to explore and evidence Value for Money (VfM) at a programme, project and regional level.
The Baseline Report will establish the state of the heritage science sector before the programme’s investment, enabling accurate identification measurement and attribution of the impacts, including economic ones.
The Process Evaluation aims to to inform future infrastructure investments by AHRC and UKRI. It will document the commissioning, implementation, delivery and governance processes of RICHeS; highlighting successes and areas for improvement, and extracting valuable lessons for sharing.
two.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion - Name: Criterion 1 / Weighting: 80
Cost criterion - Name: Criterion 1 / Weighting: 20
two.2.6) Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: £1,000,000
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Start date
30 April 2024
End date
29 April 2029
This contract is subject to renewal
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: No
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: Yes
Description of options
The Contract duration shall be for an initial period of 2 Years with the option to extend for a additional 3 years on a (1+1+1) basis period from commencement of the Contract.
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
two.2.14) Additional information QZ89428D6X
Section four. Procedure
four.1) Description
four.1.1) Type of procedure
Open procedure
four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes
four.2) Administrative information
four.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Originally published as:
18 March 2024
Local time
Changed to:
3 April 2024
Local time
See the change notice.
four.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted
four.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 3 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
four.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders
18 March 2024
Local time
Section six. Complementary information
six.1) Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: No
six.3) Additional information
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
To view this notice, please click here:" target="_blank">
GO Reference: GO-202428-PRO-25126967
six.4) Procedures for review
six.4.1) Review body
UK Research and Innovation
Polaris House,, North Star Avenue
United Kingdom