Future opportunity

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System - External Audit Services

  • HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting on behalf of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System

F01: Prior information notice (prior information only)

Notice reference: 2025/S 000-000878

Published 10 January 2025, 3:03pm

Section one: Contracting authority

one.1) Name and addresses

HealthTrust Europe LLP (HTE) acting on behalf of NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System

19 George Road

Edgbaston, Birmingham

B15 1NU




+44 08458875000


United Kingdom

NUTS code

UK - United Kingdom

Internet address(es)

Main address


one.3) Communication

Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address

one.4) Type of the contracting authority

Body governed by public law

one.5) Main activity


Section two: Object

two.1) Scope of the procurement

two.1.1) Title

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System - External Audit Services

two.1.2) Main CPV code

  • 79410000 - Business and management consultancy services

two.1.3) Type of contract


two.1.4) Short description

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System are seeking supplier engagement for their procurement of External Audit services.

Suppliers should contact sinead.joseph@htepg.com to register their interest.

A survey will be provided for the supplier to complete as required by the ICS. Clarification meetings may be held with Suppliers to clarify any of their responses. Surveys must be completed by 24th January 2025 at 12 noon.

Provider collaboratives are partnerships that bring together multiple NHS trusts (providers of NHS services including hospitals and mental health services) to work together at scale, and the ICS is seeking Suppliers who can aid their objectives including sharing best practice, increasing standardisation, reducing costs and reducing variation. Details on the ICS services and location can be found: https://www.cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk/about/nhs-cheshire-and-merseyside/

This is NOT a call for competition, no other documents are available at this stage, this notice is to seek supplier input to the market and provide details of their services in order for a strategy to be determined for the ICS. The outcome of any market research will inform their renewal options.

two.1.5) Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: £15,000,000

two.1.6) Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: No

two.2) Description

two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)

  • 79212000 - Auditing services
  • 79212100 - Financial auditing services
  • 79212300 - Statutory audit services

two.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS codes
  • UK - United Kingdom

two.2.4) Description of the procurement

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care System are seeking supplier engagement for their procurement of External Audit services.

Suppliers should contact sinead.joseph@htepg.com to register their interest. A survey (electronic questionnaire) will be provided for the supplier to complete as required by the ICS. Clarification meetings may be held with Suppliers to clarify any of their responses.

Provider collaboratives are partnerships that bring together multiple NHS trusts (providers of NHS services including hospitals and mental health services) to work together at scale, and the ICS is seeking Suppliers who can aid their objectives including sharing best practice, increasing standardisation, reducing costs and reducing variation.

The Contracting Authorities that this exercise is in relation to is listed below. Please note that these Contracting Authorities may change:

Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

East Cheshire NHS Trust

Health Procurement Liverpool

Liverpool Heart and Chest NHS Foundation Trust

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust

Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board

The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust

The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust

Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The initial intention and scope of this PIN is for 4-5 NHS Trusts within the ICS to obtain external audit services, however this is subject to change.

These include the below:

• Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

• Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

• Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

• Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust

Surveys must be completed by 24th January 2025 at 12 noon.

Details on the ICS services and location can be found: https://www.cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk/about/nhs-cheshire-and-merseyside/

This is NOT a call for competition, no other documents are available at this stage, this notice is to seek supplier input to the market and provide details of their services in order for a strategy to be determined for the ICS. The outcome of any market research will inform their renewal options and subsequent procurement exercise

two.3) Estimated date of publication of contract notice

10 January 2025

Section four. Procedure

four.1) Description

four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: No

Section six. Complementary information

six.3) Additional information

Please do not contact the customer or representatives of the ICS and NHS Trusts within the region directly, all enquires are to be sent to sinead.joseph@htepg.com