Section one: Contracting authority
one.1) Name and addresses
Fylde Borough Council
Town Hall
St Annes on Sea
Mr Stephen Camm
+44 0
United Kingdom
NUTS code
UKD45 - Mid Lancashire
Internet address(es)
Main address
Buyer's address
one.3) Communication
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at
Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via
one.4) Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
one.5) Main activity
General public services
Section two: Object
two.1) Scope of the procurement
two.1.1) Title
ITT for the provision of agency staff services
Reference number
two.1.2) Main CPV code
- 79600000 - Recruitment services
two.1.3) Type of contract
two.1.4) Short description
A Service Provider is required by Fylde Council for the supply of Temporary Agency Workers. As part of this Contract the Council will measure the Service Provider performance against the contract specification. The Contract specification will clearly set KPI’s for the Service Provider; require the demonstration of value for money and continuous improvement in performance throughout the contract. The Council shall have the option to extend or change the types of Service as required by legislation, guidance or Council policy. These extensions will be subject to authorisation and successful operation of the existing Service.
two.1.5) Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: £3,833,835
two.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: No
two.2) Description
two.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS codes
- UKD45 - Mid Lancashire
two.2.4) Description of the procurement
The Council needs to meet various objectives throughout the scope of the Contract and expect the Service Provider to assist in meeting the following objectives:
- Controlling and reducing expenditure on Temporary Agency Workers.
- Providing Temporary Agency Workers at short notice to ensure continuity of service.
- Providing a level of corporate control over the recruitment process.
- Reducing the amount of time spent and increasing efficiency on the ordering and management of Temporary Agency Workers by Council’s managers.
- Ensuring the quality of Temporary Agency Workers is maintained and - where possible - improved.
- Providing accurate and up-to-date management information upon request.
- Minimising bureaucracy in the engagement of Temporary Agency Workers.
- Manage the inherent risk and liability issues arising from the use of Temporary Agency workers more effectively and pro-actively.
- Incorporate and implement any requirements resulting from the Agency Workers Directive.
- The Council reserves the right to review its procedures relating to the use of Temporary Agency
The Service Provider shall provide all categories of worker for temporary assignments as and when required. This will include but is not restricted to the following categories:
- Gardeners and landscapers
- Outdoor leisure attendants
- Refuse and waste operatives
- Administrative
- Operational supervisors
two.2.5) Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
two.2.6) Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: £3,833,835
two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months
This contract is subject to renewal
Description of renewals
An option of 1 X 2 year extension
two.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: Yes
two.2.11) Information about options
Options: No
two.2.13) Information about European Union Funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No
Section four. Procedure
four.1) Description
four.1.1) Type of procedure
Open procedure
four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: No
four.2) Administrative information
four.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
7 February 2025
Local time
four.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted
four.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 12 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
four.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders
10 February 2025
Local time
Fylde Borough Council
The Town Hall
St Annes Road West
Lytham St Annes
Information about authorised persons and opening procedure
Fylde Council Procurement
Section six. Complementary information
six.1) Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: Yes
Estimated timing for further notices to be published: 3 year contract with an option of 1 x 2 year extension
six.2) Information about electronic workflows
Electronic ordering will be used
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
six.4) Procedures for review
six.4.1) Review body
The Royal Courts of Justice
United Kingdom