Procurement of a delivery partner for New Homes 6

  • London Borough of Lambeth

F14: Notice for changes or additional information

Notice reference: 2025/S 000-000396

Published 7 January 2025, 4:16pm

Section one: Contracting authority/entity

one.1) Name and addresses

London Borough of Lambeth

Town Hall, Brixton Hill




Helen Lee



+44 2079269365


United Kingdom

NUTS code

UKI45 - Lambeth

National registration number


Internet address(es)

Main address

Buyer's address

Section two: Object

two.1) Scope of the procurement

two.1.1) Title

Procurement of a delivery partner for New Homes 6

Reference number

New Homes 6

two.1.2) Main CPV code

  • 45000000 - Construction work

two.1.3) Type of contract


two.1.4) Short description

The Mayor and Burgesses of London Borough of Lambeth wish to appoint a delivery partner to enter into an agreement for the delivery of New Homes 6, providing the opportunity to develop out a number of council-owned residential-led development sites across the borough.

Section six. Complementary information

six.6) Original notice reference

Notice number: 2025/S 000-000222

Section seven. Changes

seven.1.2) Text to be corrected in the original notice

Section number


Additional CPV code(s)
  • 45111000 - Demolition, site preparation and clearance work
  • 45111291 - Site-development work
  • 45210000 - Building construction work
  • 45211000 - Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
  • 45211340 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
  • 45211350 - Multi-functional buildings construction work
  • 45211360 - Urban development construction work
  • 45220000 - Engineering works and construction works
  • 45233260 - Pedestrian ways construction work
  • 45330000 - Plumbing and sanitary works
  • 70000000 - Real estate services
  • 70110000 - Development services of real estate
  • 70111000 - Development of residential real estate
  • 70112000 - Development of non-residential real estate
  • 70123100 - Sale of residential real estate
  • 71247000 - Supervision of building work
  • 71315200 - Building consultancy services
  • 71530000 - Construction consultancy services
  • 71540000 - Construction management services
  • 71541000 - Construction project management services
Section number


Instead of



NUTS code: UKI45 - Lambeth

Section number


Instead of

Duration in months: 120

This contract is subject to renewal: yes

Description of renewals:

(240 months being 120 months initial term subject to up to a further 120 months extension(s))


The Mayor and Burgesses of London Borough of Lambeth wish to appoint a delivery partner to enter into an agreement for the delivery of New Homes 6, providing the opportunity to develop out a number of council-owned residential-led development sites across the borough.

The Authority proposes to enter into an overarching Partnering Agreement with the selected delivery partner pursuant to which the Authority and the delivery partner will, for each site (including the initial six sites and potential further sites), enter into either a Development Agreement or PCSA / Build Contract.

In March 2024, the Authority’s Cabinet approved the Authority’s Housing Strategy and the New Homes Programme and in December 2024 the Authority received Cabinet Member approval to launch this procurement.

The new Housing Strategy 2024-30 is centred around delivering more affordable homes, delivering excellent housing and repair services, and supporting healthy and safe neighbourhoods. It sets out the Authority’s commitment to address the housing crisis and delivering our ambition of making Lambeth a place we can all call home.

This New Homes 6 project addresses the Authority’s first priority of their housing strategy – delivering more homes. The project objectives for New Homes 6 are:

• Delivering affordable housing;

• Pace of delivery;

• Net zero;

• Social Value, Employment & Skills and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI);

• Maximising engagement and co-design opportunities; and

• High quality design.

Further details on the procurement and opportunity are provided in the procurement documents.

It should be noted that the estimated total value shown in II.1.5) and II.2.6) is an expression of the estimated gross development value.

Section number


Instead of

Duration in months: 120

This contract is subject to renewal: yes

Description of renewals:

(240 months being 120 months initial term subject to up to a further 120 months extension(s))


Duration in months: 240

This contract is subject to renewal: yes

Description of renewals:

The 240 month duration being 120 months initial term subject to the ability for the parties to agree to extend the term on one or more occasion up to a further 120 months

Section number



The Authority shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any tenderer in connection with the completion and return of information requested in this contract notice or the completion or submission of any tender.